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Henna Artist

Mehndi Course - Women Empowernment

Gully Classes Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Ghatkopar West, has been conducting a free Mehndi course for women to help them become self-sufficient and support their families. The period lasts two months and has already empowered more than 60 girls who have completed it.


The Mehndi course is a popular traditional art form in India that involves the application of henna on hands and feet. It has been a part of Indian culture for centuries and is often used for weddings, festivals, and other celebrations. By learning the art of Mehndi, these women have gained valuable skills that they can use to earn a living.


These women can now earn 2000 a month, which has helped them support their families and pursue their education. This initiative has helped break the cycle of poverty that many families in Ghatkopar West have been trapped in for generations.


The foundation's efforts have not gone unnoticed, and they have received widespread support from the community. Many women who have completed the course have expressed gratitude and appreciation for the foundation's efforts, stating that it has improved their lives.


By providing free training in valuable skills like Mehndi, Gully Classes Foundation is significantly impacting the lives of women in Ghatkopar West. Their efforts are a testament to the power of education and the impact that it can have on communities, particularly those that are marginalized and in need of support.

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